The more you share, the more you earn.
All the ways for you to earn:

Share your data
Get real-time offers from brands interested in your data!
Discover which brands want to purchase your data, understand what they’re looking for, and decide whether to share it. You’re in control, with full transparency and the rewards you deserve.
Take charge of your data journey today!

share the joy of reklaim!
Earn 10% of your friend(s) earnings by simply sharing your custom referral code. Once you create your account, you will receive personalized sign-up link that you share with your friends and family.
For EACH friend you refer, you will receive:
10% of their earnings
100 bonus points (each) for the first 5 friends as a referral bonus (VIPs have unlimited)
This is all on top of what you are earning for yourself
Talk about a win-win!
More referrals = more earning possibilities. Get sharing and start earning off of your data together today!